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Challenges for Europe and Germany: a view from the German Council of Economic Experts

What are the key challenges facing Europe's largest economy, and what will Germany's responses mean for the EU?


These are challenging times for Europe and Germany. The EU’s largest economy has emerged from the crisis with more resilience than many of its neighbours, but Europe’s long-term questions about demographics, financial stability and productivity are just as relevant for Berlin. Europe will be watching Germany’s response: the Federal Republic is not just the engine of the European economy, the German government increasingly finds itself taking on a leadership role in EU decision-making.

We were pleased to welcome two expert speakers on economic issues from the German Council of Economic Experts: Christoph Schmidt and Isabel Schnabel. Professor Schmidt gave an overview of the key challenges facing the German economy, before Prof Schnabel zoomed in on financial stability issues. Comments by Lucrezia Reichlin, Chair of Bruegel's Scientific Council and Professor at LSE, then anchored these presentations in a European context.

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