Transatlantic relations

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Showing 209-224 of 242 results

12 March 2015

A fresh start for TTIP

Speech by Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Trade, at the Bruegel Workshop on TTIP held on 12 March 2015.

11 February 2015

Obama joins the Greek chorus

US President Barack Obama’s recent call to ease the austerity imposed on Greece is remarkable – and not only for his endorsement of the newly elected

25 November 2014

Obama’s executive action on immigration

What’s at stake: The President of the United-States announced sweeping changes to the immigration system via executive action this week to protec

14 July 2014

Blogs review: U.S. inflation and growth

What’s at stake: Most discussions over the past few weeks on the blogosphere have centered around whether the U.S. economy is, eventually, gainin