Transatlantic relations

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Showing 193-208 of 242 results

04 April 2016

Trade deficits and jobs at the ZLB

What’s at stake: In the populist narrative against globalization, trade deficits are seen as costing jobs. While this mercantilist view of the world i

31 August 2015

The global trade slowdown puzzle

What’s at stake: This week’s data renewed concerns about developments in global trade as it showed for the last 6 months the biggest contraction in gl

26 August 2015

The rolling global crisis will come home

When productivity growth slows down, there are two choices: to invest in the future or to live within one’s means. Instead, policymakers preoccupied w

13 July 2015

Restructuring in the US currency union

On June 28, the governor of the Commonwealth territory announced that it would not be able to repay its debt. Puerto Rico has since asked Congress to

22 June 2015

The 4% growth target

What's at stake: To contrast with President Obama’s middle class economics, the Republican Party – from Rand Paul’s proposal to repeal the entire

06 May 2015

American poverty traps

What’s at stake: Recent research by the Equality of Opportunity Project, a venture led by Raj Chetty, Nathaniel Hendren, Patrick Kline and Emmanuel Sa

27 April 2015

The Trans-Pacific Partnership

What’s at stake: U.S. Congressional leaders have recently introduced a bipartisan bill to renew the power of the president to&nbsp

15 March 2015

A fresh start for TTIP

The T-TIP negotiations remain extremely complex, and pushed for time given the political pressure to get an agreement signed by 2016. What is achievab