Opinion piece
09 July 2013
EU trade with Myanmar and the grasshopper problem
The European Union’s decision to reinstate Burmese access to the generalised scheme of tariff preferences (GSP) was the right move, bec
Opinion piece
09 July 2013
The European Union’s decision to reinstate Burmese access to the generalised scheme of tariff preferences (GSP) was the right move, bec
Blog post
19 June 2013
Wednesday afternoon will see the fourth vote in the European Parliament (this time again in the environment committee) on a scheme to temporarily
19 June 2013
Blog post
18 June 2013
The decision to launch negotiations on a bilateral free trade area between the EU and the US, called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnershi
Blog post
06 June 2013
Fragen und Antworten von Bruegel-Forscher Georg Zachmann zur Krise des Europäischen Emissionshandelssystems.
Policy brief
08 April 2013
The issue: The European Union's emissions trading system (ETS), introduced in 2005, is the centerpiece of EU decarbonisation efforts and the biggest e
Blog post
12 December 2012
Real effective exchange rate adjustment trends in the aftermath of the global financial and economic crisis were generally not out of line with histor
Working paper
15 July 2011
Blog post
24 October 2010