Blog post
24 November 2015
The impact of the oil-price shock on net oil exporters
In the second half of 2014 and early 2015, international oil prices approximately halved. What have been the consequences of this sharp decline on net
Blog post
24 November 2015
In the second half of 2014 and early 2015, international oil prices approximately halved. What have been the consequences of this sharp decline on net
13 November 2015
Committee on International Trade (INTA), European Parliament, 12 November 2015.
Policy brief
12 November 2015
This Policy Contribution reviews the impact of globalisation on inflation dynamics, and it analyses whether and how this affects the ability of centra
Blog post
06 October 2015
After five years of struggle, a massive trade pact has been signed among the US, Japan and 10 other economies (mostly in Asia but also Latin America):
Blog post
07 September 2015
Is the ‘Global Trade Slowdown’ a signal that globalisation has structurally 'peaked', and thus we should expect a stagnation of trade growth also in t
Blog post
31 August 2015
Sitting on a pile of debt, China’s only way out is to deleverage: more pain now for sustainable growth later.
Blog post
31 August 2015
What’s at stake: This week’s data renewed concerns about developments in global trade as it showed for the last 6 months the biggest contraction in gl
Blog post
26 August 2015
European stock prices, financial contagion and the trade exposure to China. How the turmoil in China’s stock market is affecting European stock market
Opinion piece
03 August 2015
European leaders seem to have been caught somewhat off-guard by the Iran deal. The Greek saga alone could explain this. The problem is that other comp
Blog post
15 July 2015
Vor zwei Wochen hat ein Bericht des Österreichischen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (WIFO) zur Wirkung der Russland-Sanktionen auf die eu
Working paper
15 July 2015
What explains Germany’s superb export performance? Is Germany’s export behaviour very distinct compared to other European countries?
Blog post
14 July 2015
What has contributed to Germany's exceptional export performance compared to other European countries?
29 June 2015
Chinese acquisitions and other direct investments in Europe are growing rapidly, reaching a new record high of 18bn USD in 2014.
15 March 2015
The T-TIP negotiations remain extremely complex, and pushed for time given the political pressure to get an agreement signed by 2016. What is achievab
12 March 2015
Global Economics and Governance
Blog post
12 March 2015
Speech by Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Trade, at the Bruegel Workshop on TTIP held on 12 March 2015.