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European Green Deal beyond the Brussels climate bubble

How can the European Green Deal be implemented beyond Brussels?


Philipp Steinberg

Director-General of Economic Policy, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany

Marc Vanheukelen

EU Ambassador at large for Climate Diplomacy, Former EU Ambassador to the WTO,

Michael Losch

Special Envoy for Green Industrial Policy, Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Austria,

Lara Lázaro

Senior Analyst, Energy and Climate Programme, Elcano Royal Institute,

Video and audio recordings

Achieving the ambitious European climate targets will require substantially broadening the agenda and the circle of involved actors. The European Green Deal can only be successful when non-EU countries, industry, social partners, central banks, national policymakers, and many other actors support, or at least not obstruct, the transformation.

In this high-level pan-European conference, we brought together key EU think-tanks, national government representatives and European policymakers to discuss the priority green-deal policies that go beyond classic Brussels-based environmental regulations. We reflected on the main outcomes of COP26 in the context of the coherent EU action.