Sergio Fabbrini
Dean of the Department of Political Science, Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli,
Sergio Fabbrini is Professor of Politics and International Relations and Dean of the Political Science Department at Luiss, where he holds the Intesa Sanpaolo Chair on European Governance. He obtained the Pierre Keller Visiting Professorship Chair at the Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government (2019/2020). He co-founded and served as Director of the Luiss School of Government (2009-2018) and of the Trento University School of International Studies (2006-2009). He is political affairs’ editorialist for the Italian business daily Il Sole 24 Ore. For his editorials, he was awarded the “Altiero Spinelli Prize 2017”.
Featured work
Democratic Resilience in light of the 2024 EU elections
EU3D Final Policy Dialogue
Conference on the Future of Europe: Vehicle for reform versus forum for reflection?
At this policy dialogue panellists discussed different options and what they may entail while revisiting the debates on the future of Europe so far.
The Conference on the Future of Europe: vehicle for reform versus forum for reflection?
The approach of the European Union’s institutions to the Conference on the Future of Europe is muddled, with risks for the outcome.