Memo to the commissioner responsible for digital affairs
You should pursue two main objectives: first, seek to narrow the digital investment and uptake gap between the United States and the EU; second, aim to better leverage data as a true economic production factor, alongside labour and capital. Both are critical to boost productivity growth in increasingly data-driven industries.
You should push for innovation-friendly implementation of recent regulation, taking advantage, for example, of flexibility given by the Artificial Intelligence Act, and identify areas in which very large EU platforms could be established. Simplification can be pursued when the general data protection regulation comes up for review, and a balance between the benefits of generative AI and copyright protection needs to be struck. Data governance can be improved, with the European Health Data Space as a model. Your objective should be to maximise the societal and innovation value of data pools, over and above the private value of the data.
Key actions:
Digital investment and productivity
Innovation-friendly implementation
Societal value of data