Blog post
15 December 2015
Data transfers under the threat of terrorist attacks
The recent terrorist attacks in Paris and elsewhere have created an atmosphere of insecurity and fear among the citizens of the main European capitals
Blog post
15 December 2015
The recent terrorist attacks in Paris and elsewhere have created an atmosphere of insecurity and fear among the citizens of the main European capitals
Policy brief
01 October 2015
Fibre-based next generation access (NGA) roll-out across the European Union is one of the goals of the European Commission’s Digital Agenda strategy,
Policy brief
04 August 2015
This Policy Contribution looks at EU mobile telecoms markets and analyses potential concrete measures to improve end-users’ access conditions and addr
Blog post
15 December 2014
Lending Club has captured the attention this week as it became listed on Thursday on the NY Stock Exchange and its share spiked nearly 70% in trading
Blog post
29 October 2014
The following graph shows the individual index of Google searches for "Uber" and the index of searches for "Taxi", both in Ge
Blog post
30 September 2014
Uber, the innovative ridesharing service, has recently generated a lot of anger from the taxi industry because it enabled market entry for many privat
Blog post
08 January 2014
The data protection of EU citizens has been in focus ever since the surge in espionage scandals that began with the leaks from Edward Snowden. But bes
03 December 2013