European single market

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Showing 225-239 of 239 results

29 January 2015

A European approach to corporate tax

The recent ‘tax-sweetener’ state-aid cases against Ireland for its agreements with Apple, Luxembourg with Amazon and Fiat, and the Netherlands with St

14 January 2015

An investment plan for Europe

- The speech by Jyrki Katainen's, Vice president of the Commission, at the Bruegel event " An investment plan for Europe"

12 January 2015

An investment plan for Europe

Highlights of the event on 12 January 2015 were Jyrki Katainen, Vice President of the European Commission, presented the European Commission's new inv

08 January 2014

What Single Market?

“The commitment to complete the Digital Single Market by 2015 has to be delivered on: today's market fragmentation hampers the release of the dig