European central bank

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Showing 209-224 of 274 results

14 June 2016

Are central bank(er)s still credible?

Both the Fed and the ECB have managed to remain credible since the financial crisis, but their credibility levels have evolved differently. Since infl

09 June 2016

The use of ECB liquidity

The Eurosystem’s regular open market operations consist of one-week liquidity-providing operations (MROs), and three-month liquidity-providing operati

19 April 2016

Chinese banks: the way forward

Despite the economic downturn the Chinese banking system continues its expansion. Concerns are rising about the institutions' strenght, as bad loans c

10 April 2016

Mere criticism of the ECB is no solution

What would happen if the ECB failed to respond to the excessively low inflation and the weak economy? And what economic policy would be suitable under

11 March 2016

ECB TLTRO 2.0 - Lending at negative rates

On Thursday, the ECB surprised observers by announcing a new series of four targeted longer-term refinancing operations (TLTRO II) to be started in Ju

22 February 2016

The impotency of central banks

What’s at stake: The negative market reaction to the latest efforts to provide further monetary stimulus has generated an important discussion on whet

18 February 2016

Which fiscal union for the euro area?

At the current level of political and societal integration, a large federal budget is unrealistic in the euro area. The authors make three recommenda