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Capital Markets Union: what’s the vision for European debt capital markets?

After the launch of the Commission's Capital Markets Union action plan on September 30, what changes can be realistically expected in Europe’s debt ca


Colin Ellis

Chief Credit Officer in EMEA, Moody's Investors Service,

Martin Merlin

Director - Bank, insurance and financial crime, European Commission, DG FISMA


In the framework of our 10th anniversary celebrations, Bruegel is organising a series of events in the capitals of our member states. These debates, talks and conferences will bring crucial European  topics to audiences across the continent.

The debate on Capital Markets Union has moved to a new phase with the publication of the European Commission’s Action Plan on September 30. This panel explored what changes can be realistically expected in Europe’s debt capital markets over a five- to ten-year horizon, in terms of international integration, development of specific market segments and structures, and policy challenges.

This event was organised jointly with HM Treasury and will be held in London.