Katharine Braddick
Director, Financial Services, HM Treasury,
Katharine Braddick is Director of Financial Services at HM Treasury, leading on international and European issues. She is also the UK’s member of the European Union’s Financial Services Committee. She joined HMT in July 2014 on secondment from the Bank of England, where she was Director of Prudential Policy. Previously she worked for ten years at the UK Financial Services Authority in a variety of roles, including Head of Department for the International Division and Head of Regulatory Strategy. She began her career in the civil service and has also worked at the Association of British Insurers, leading on regulation of general insurance. Katharine was educated at the Universities of Warwick and Cambridge.
Featured work
Capital Markets Union: what’s the vision for European debt capital markets?
After the launch of the Commission's Capital Markets Union action plan on September 30, what changes can be realistically expected in Europe’s debt ca