Opinion piece
06 April 2020
A European approach to fund the coronavirus cost is in the interest of all
We had not seen a common challenge as clear as this pandemic. The sum of national actions and programs is likely to be insufficient.
Opinion piece
06 April 2020
We had not seen a common challenge as clear as this pandemic. The sum of national actions and programs is likely to be insufficient.
03 April 2020
Economics seems to be full of myths that are hard to debunk. Will robots take our jobs? Are trade deficits bad? Is China such a big economy simply bec
02 April 2020
At this event, the panellists will discuss the role of AI and big data in the fight against the coronavirus crisis.
Opinion piece
02 April 2020
We are not in normal times and we have to surpass, albeit only for the duration of the COVID-19 shock, the hurdles that did not allow the euro-area to
Opinion piece
01 April 2020
Because even thriving companies can be killed in a matter of weeks by a recession of the magnitude now confronting the world, advanced-economy governm
31 March 2020
Which macroeconomic policy response is the best option to deal with the crisis currently unfolding and will ensure that the recovery will be as quick
Blog post
31 March 2020
COVID-19 is laying bare socio-economic inequalities and could exacerbate them in the near future. The virus is a risk factor particularly for those at
31 March 2020
From the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) to "coronabonds", the EU seems to be struggling to find an appropriate mechanism to tackle the economic cr
Blog post
30 March 2020
Emerging economies have received little attention in the economic debate regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, yet the performance of their primary market
Opinion piece
27 March 2020
Policymakers need to think long-term and start planning a broad investment scheme to reboot the European economy.