External publication

Global Energy Fundamentals

Cambridge University Press just published the new book of Bruegel research fellow Simone Tagliapietra, Global Energy Fundamentals. It provides a rigor

Publishing date
16 September 2020

The full version of the book has been published at .

As we move away from fossil fuels and toward clean energy solutions, the complexity of the global energy system has increased. With Global Energy Fundamentals, Tagliapietra cuts through this complexity with a multidisciplinary perspective of the system, which encompasses economics, geopolitics, and basic technology. He goes on to explore the main components of the global energy system – oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear energy, bioenergy, hydropower, geothermal energy, wind energy, solar energy, marine energy – as well as energy consumption and energy efficiency. It then provides an in-depth analysis of the pivotal issues of climate change and of energy access in Africa.


Global Energy Fundamentals aims to provide a well-founded and wide-ranging discourse on energy issues, through a comprehensive, rigorous and fact-based portrayal of its fundamentals. A multidisciplinary and fact-based approach makes the book a highly valuable reference for both experts as well as for a broader audience seeking to establish the profound knowledge necessary to understand the future debate on energy security, climate change and development policy.

- Ottmar Edenhofer – Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Energy is a global issue, affecting world affairs, human welfare, pollution and climate. This informative, well written, and easy-to-grasp book provides a guide to the fundamentals of this important subject: resources, technologies, economy and policy, from oi & gas to renewables & universal access. Remarkable, refreshing, and so useful.

- Jean-Michel Glachant – Director, Florence School of Regulation, European University Institute

This book is a real instrument for the daily work. It encompasses a global energy analysis; including its technological, economic, climate and geopolitical aspects. A window and an introduction to understand the greatest challenges of our time, from climate change to access to energy in developing countries.

- Francesco La Camera – Director General, International Renewable Energy Agency

Global Energy Fundamentals offers a concise, up-to-date, authoritative and clearly written account of key features of the global energy system. The author, Simone Tagliapietra, is a highly respected energy expert and an academic researcher. The book covers fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and renewable energy, and puts these energy alternatives in the context of changing technologies, global markets, geopolitics, and the challenges of climate change, decarbonization, and energy access for the world’s poor. General readers will obtain an overview of the world energy system and energy specialists will gain new insights on the pathways to sustainable energy for all.

- Jeffrey D. Sachs – University Professor, Columbia University and Director, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network

This new volume provides a comprehensive, readable, and timely description of the diverse sources of energy supply that exist around the world, with supplementary material on energy demand, climate change, and pressing energy-access issues in Africa.

- Robert N. Stavins – Professor of Energy and Economic Development, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

The full book is available on the .

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