External publications
The work of Bruegel's fellows published in academic journals and on institutional platforms
External publication
17 February 2022
The Euro in 2022
An annual review of the euro published jointly by Fundación ICO and Fundación de Estudios Financieros to expand knowledge, raise awareness of the sing
External publication
25 January 2022
New model for growth in Europe
Contribution to the European Economic and Social Committee info newsletter of January 2022.
External publication
13 January 2022
Europe must come together to confront Omicron
Statement published in the renowned British Medical Journal (BMJ) to address the wave of the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2.
External publication
03 January 2022
Sustainability transition and the European Green Deal: A macro-dynamic perspective
Report of the results of work carried out at ETC/WMGE on Green economy transition: Macroeconomic analytical framework in 2020 and 2021.
External publication
01 January 2022
Sovereign Debt Sustainability and Central Bank Credibility
This article surveys the literature on sovereign debt sustainability from its origins in the mid-1980s to the present, focusing on four debates.
External publication
22 December 2021
How fast is this novel technology going to be a hit? Antecedents predicting follow-on inventions
In this paper, the authors identify novel technologies on a large-scale and map their re-use trajectories.
External publication
09 December 2021
EU borrowing—time to think of the generation after next
Financing post-pandemic recovery via EU borrowing has proved remarkably straightforward. So why keep it temporary?
External publication
08 December 2021
L’Union européenne et les États-Unis, un an après
Après une année troublée par Kaboul et AUKUS, qu'avons-nous retenu de l'an I de la présidence Biden ? Maria Demertzis revient sur les évènements marqu
External publication
03 December 2021
Country case studies on resolving problem loans in Europe: Crises, policies and institutions
Contribution to 'Nonperforming Loans in Asia and Europe—Causes, Impacts, and Resolution Strategies' published by the Asia Development Bank.
External publication
03 December 2021
Europe's path to net-zero
Fostering the industrial component of the European Green Deal: key principles and policy options.
External publication
01 December 2021
'In Situ' Data Rights
Privacy empowers individuals to control what is gathered and who sees it; portability permits analysis and creates competition. By moving our data to
External publication
26 November 2021
Chinese economic statecraft: what to expect in the next five years?
Chapter from 'Storms Ahead: the Future Geoeconomic world order' on the expectations from the next five years of Chinese economic policy, published on
External publication
24 November 2021
The future of the stability and growth pact
Testimony given to a Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal roundtable discussion on the future of the stability and growth pact.
External publication
22 November 2021
Decarbonisation of energy
Determining a robust mix of energy carriers for a carbon-neutral EU
External publication
09 November 2021
The New Euro Area Inflation Indicator and Target: The Right Reset?
Testimony to the Monetary Dialogue Preparatory Meeting of the European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON).
External publication
04 November 2021
The new euro area inflation indicator and target: the right reset?
In-depth analysis on the European Central Bank's revised inflation target prepared for the European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Af