
Is China headed for its own ‘lost decade’?

Comparing China and Japan’s economic slowdowns

Publishing date
27 February 2025


Since the bursting of China’s real-estate bubble in mid-2021, there has been a growing concern that the country’s economy could end up like that of Japan in the early 1990s. In this episode of the Sound of Economics, Yuyun Zhan invites Alicia García-Herrero and Jianwei Xu to discuss China’s structural deceleration, the striking similarities and key differences with Japan’s experience, and what this could mean for Europe and the global economy, as explored in their latest policy brief.

This episode is part of the ZhōngHuá Mundus series of The Sound of Economics.

ZhōngHuá Mundus is a newsletter by Bruegel, bringing you monthly analysis of China in the world, as seen from Europe.

This is an output of China Horizons, Bruegel's contribution in the project Dealing with a resurgent China (DWARC). This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions under grant agreement No. 101061700.

EU funded project disclaimer

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