Pamela Lintner
Senior Financial Sector Specialist, World Bank,
Pamela provides consulting on the establishment and enhancement of crisis management frameworks in FinSAC’s client countries with a focus on bank recovery and resolution. Her role includes the development of financial sector reform advice and leading technical assistance missions. She has participated in several FSAPs and World Bank crisis simulation exercises. In her previous works as a lawyer for the Austrian Central Bank (Unit for Financial Markets Regulation and Payment Systems Oversight) and before, from a different angle, at the Austrian Bankers Association she was closely involved in European regulatory policy including CRD IV, crisis management and deposit insurance.
In the course of EMIR implementation, she headed the on-site inspections for the licensing process for the Austrian Central Counterparty. Pamela studied law the Universities of Vienna and Madrid, received a research scholarship at the European Institute of Public Administration/Maastricht and holds a Doctorate from the University of Linz.
Featured work
Bank resolution: consistency and predictability
Closed-door workshop on various aspects of bank resolution.