Margaret Kyle
Professor of Economics, Center for Industrial Economics (CERNA), MINES ParisTech (Ecole des Mines),
Margaret Kyle (MINES ParisTech and CEPR) currently holds the Chair in Intellectual Property and Markets for Technology at MINES ParisTech. Her research concerns innovation, productivity and competition. She has a number of papers examining R&D productivity in the pharmaceutical industry, specifically the role of geographic and academic spillovers; the firm-specific and policy determinants of the diffusion of new products; generic competition; and the use of markets for technology. Recent work examines the effect of trade and IP policies on the level, location and direction of R&D investment and competition. She also works on issues of innovation and access to therapies in developing countries. Her papers have been published in various journals of economics, strategy, and health policy, including the Review of Economics and Statistics, RAND Journal of Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Law and Economics, Antitrust Law Journal, Management Science, and Health Affairs.
Margaret holds a PhD in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is an associate editor of the International Journal of Industrial Organization. She previously held positions at Carnegie Mellon University, Duke University, London Business School, and the Toulouse School of Economics, and is a visiting professor at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. She has also been a visiting scholar at the Center for the Study of Innovation and Productivity at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and at the University of Hong Kong. Margaret is currently a member of the Conseil National de Productivité in France.
Featured work
Should we revisit the patent system for pharmaceutical products?
Analysis of the legal issues with the current IP system for regulated market authorisations for pharmaceutical products, as well as its economic effec