Jesper Berg
Jesper Berg is a Non-Resident Fellow at Bruegel. He is a Senior Advisor with Rud Petersen, a public affairs consultancy, a senior fellow at the CIP foundation, associate professor at both the University of Copenhagen and the Copenhagen Business School, department of Finance, a partner in three start-ups, including Chairman of One Health Insurance, and a consultant for the IMF.
From 2015 to 2023, Jesper was the Head of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the integrated financial supervisor in Denmark. Jesper sat on both the management board and the board of supervisors of the EBA and was a member of the ESRB and the Danish Systemic Risk Council. Prior jobs include being a member of the Executive Board of Nykredit Bank, Head of respectively Market Operations, Financial Stability and Payments Systems at the Danish central bank, Head of the Capital Markets and Financial Structure Division at the ECB and being an economist at the IMFs Exchange and Trade Relations Department. Jesper has been on the board of the Danish Foreign Policy Society, The Danish Economist Society, and the Danish Finance Society. He is an honorary member of the latter.
Jesper has an M.Sc. in economics from the University of Copenhagen and an MBA from IMD in Switzerland. He has written extensively on financial and economic issues, including the book “The fall of finance” on the financial crisis (Together with Morten Bech). His research interest includes the financial system and monetary policy.