Céline Gauer
Director, Energy and Environment, European Commission, DG COMP,
Since 2014, Céline Gauer is Director of the Directorate responsible for the energy and environment sectors in the Directorate General for Competition of the European Commission.
From 2008 until 2013, she was Head of the Energy and Environment Antitrust Unit. She was in charge of enforcing antitrust rules, bringing forward cases against energy incumbents and negotiating remedies to address competition concerns.
From 2006 until 2008, she was Deputy Head of Unit responsible for the coordination of the Commission's antitrust cases.
From 2003 until 2006, she contributed to setting-up the European Competition Network and was responsible for the coordination of national antitrust cases. She was also in charge of various policy issues relating to leniency and to due process in antitrust proceedings.
Before that date, and after three years of enforcement of competition rules against cartels, she was in charge of the reform of antitrust procedural rules that led to Regulation No 1/2003.
Featured work
Sustainability and green innovation in competition policy
The green agenda is a top priority of the Juncker commission. In this event we will focus the role of competition policy in promoting sustainability a