Angel Badillo
Senior Research Fellow, Real Instituto Elcano,
Ángel Badillo is Senior Analyst on Culture and Language at the Elcano Royal Institute and Professor in the Department of Sociology and Communication and the Iberoamerican Institute at the University of Salamanca, teaching at several Spanish and international graduate programs (MSc and PhD). He is also research fellow at the Latin American Social Sciences Faculty (FLACSO) in Spain. He founded and directed (2009-2013) the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Creative, Cultural and Communication Industries (GRIC) at the University of Salamanca and the MBA program on Cultural Companies and Institutions (together with the Prisa Spanish media group). Between 2013 and 2015, he was President of the Latin Union of Political Economy of Information, Communication and Culture (ULEPICC), the most important academic network of research on policy and economy of culture in Latin America, coordinating the scientific organization of more than two hundred researchers. His areas of research are focused on the study of industries and cultural policies from the perspective of the political economy of information, communication and culture, and in particular the transformations of culture in the context of digital convergence. His works have appeared in numerous monographs, professional journals and scientific journals.
Featured work
EU-LAC Economic Forum 2018
The second edition of the EU-LAC Economic Forum, a high level gathering for in-depth research-based exchanges on economic issues between European, Lat
EU - CELAC Economic Forum - Channels for a joint future
On 11 October Bruegel together with GIGA and Real Instituto Elcano will organise a conference on relations between the EU and the Community of Latin A