28 September 2022
Scoping the challenges for transatlantic climate and trade cooperation
What is the scope for transatlantic cooperation on CBAM legislation, Climate Clubs, and 'green' subsidies?
28 September 2022
What is the scope for transatlantic cooperation on CBAM legislation, Climate Clubs, and 'green' subsidies?
27 April 2022
How have events in recent years impacted global trade and value chains and how can we strengthen these against future disruptions?
External publication
08 December 2021
Après une année troublée par Kaboul et AUKUS, qu'avons-nous retenu de l'an I de la présidence Biden ? Maria Demertzis revient sur les évènements marqu
Blog post
04 November 2021
The tariffs affected at least $7.2 billion imports of the relevant steel and aluminium products from the EU into the US in 2017.
External publication
14 October 2021
In-depth analysis prepared for the European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON).
Opinion piece
13 October 2021
All of this talk on strategic retrenchment and autonomy is the language of escalation, not of appeasement and collaboration.
Blog post
23 September 2021
Germany and the EU need to develop a strong and proactive agenda to manage foreign economic relations, which are essential for German and European pro
Opinion piece
11 June 2021
The best way for the EU and the US to jointly introduce carbon border adjustment would be to form a ‘climate club’.
11 June 2021
When Joe Biden visits Europe for the first time as US president, he should begin forging a transatlantic green deal.
03 May 2021
Can the three biggest economies agree a carbon tax on imports to catalyse climate action globally?
External publication
23 March 2021
If the three biggest economies agree a carbon tax on imports, it will catalyse climate action globally.
15 March 2021
Join us for a discussion of transatlantic competition with Kristalina Georgieva, Margrethe Vestager and Amy Klobuchar among others.
10 March 2021
Structural factors are putting downward pressure on rates: is it time for macroeconomic policy to play second fiddle in managing demand?
17 February 2021
How US climate policy is likely to evolve, and which international impacts can be expected?
Blog post
11 February 2021
President Biden has promised to implement a levy on carbon-intensive imports, albeit without a federal domestic carbon price. The measure faces a numb
03 February 2021
Join us to mark the launch of the eponymous paper co-written with the European Council on Foreign Relations.