Tax policy

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Showing 65-79 of 79 results

24 January 2018

Corporate taxation in the digital era

How can we address digital taxation in the EU? Is the proposed "equalisation tax" on turnover the best policy to tackle the challenges posed by digita

27 November 2017

The Republican Tax Plan

As the Trump administration’s tax plan continues its way through the legislature, we review economists’ and commentators’ recent opinions on the matte

30 October 2017

The capital tax cut debate

How much do workers gain from a capital gains tax cut? CEA chairman Hasset claims the tax cut will cause average household labour income to increase b

02 May 2017

The Trump tax cut

What’s at stake: on Wednesday, the Trump administration - now 100 days old - unveiled a draft tax plan including the intention to enact a radical cut

01 February 2017

State Aid and Tax Rulings

When do national tax rulings violate EU state aid rules? Does the European Commission's approach raise concerns about Member State Sovereignity and wh

12 September 2016

The Apple of Discord

What’s at stake:

On August 30th, following the results of an in-depth state aid investigation started in 2014, the European Commission concluded t