Opinion piece
02 July 2022
Ukraine and Taiwan on the Biden-Xi chessboard
Overall, Biden and Xi seem to be converging on their strategies for global dominance
Opinion piece
02 July 2022
Overall, Biden and Xi seem to be converging on their strategies for global dominance
Policy brief
21 February 2022
This policy contribution assesses how the trading system has changed over the last five years
Working paper
23 December 2021
This paper contributes to the measurement of monthly consumer price index-based real effective exchange rates with two main novelties.
External publication
08 December 2021
Après une année troublée par Kaboul et AUKUS, qu'avons-nous retenu de l'an I de la présidence Biden ? Maria Demertzis revient sur les évènements marqu
Blog post
07 December 2021
Disappointment at the lack of fresh cash from European Union global connectivity strategy is short-sighted: Europe supports global development more th
01 December 2021
Is there a need for systemic reform of global economic governance?
External publication
26 November 2021
Chapter from 'Storms Ahead: the Future Geoeconomic world order' on the expectations from the next five years of Chinese economic policy, published on
24 November 2021
Session at the 1st ASIA-EUROPE ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS FORUM: Transitioning to a New Normal: Leveraging Global Value Chains, Multilateralism and the 4IR
Blog post
18 November 2021
After COP26, and as the debate on whether Glasgow represents a success or a failure dies down, what next for global climate action?
Opinion piece
15 November 2021
Global climate action is visibly accelerating however the conference failed to deliver on the hard numbers.
Blog post
04 November 2021
The tariffs affected at least $7.2 billion imports of the relevant steel and aluminium products from the EU into the US in 2017.
Blog post
29 October 2021
The G20 is not doing enough to support strong, balanced, sustainable and inclusive growth in the wake of COVID-19, with the poorest countries left beh
External publication
14 October 2021
A roadmap for systemic economic reform calling for step-change in global economic governance to increase resilience and build forward better from econ
Opinion piece
13 October 2021
All of this talk on strategic retrenchment and autonomy is the language of escalation, not of appeasement and collaboration.
Blog post
07 October 2021
Agreement is needed at international level on mechanisms to ensure better preparedness for the next pandemic.
Opinion piece
04 October 2021
Although economics and geopolitics have never been completely separate domains, international economic relations were shaped for 70 years by their own