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Economic governance of the EU: Quo Vadis?

This event will address topics of central interest in current EU policy debates: fiscal and competitiveness coordination, financial union and the dive


Massimo Suardi

Deputy Head of the Cabinet of Valdis Dombrovskis, European Commission,

John Berrigan

Director-General, European Commission, European Commission, DG FISMA

Luc Denayer

Secretary General, The Central Economic Council, Belgium,

Giving the EU greater powers to oversee and coordinate the fiscal and financial policies of its member states is controversial. Yet recent crises show that macroeconomic imbalances pose a threat to the stability of the euro and the wider single market. How can these issues be addressed in a manner acceptable to the governments and citizens of Europe?

  • The first session will look at the fiscal governance of the EU. Can the current set-up achieve the two main objectives of a fiscal framework: discouraging governmental deficit bias in order to ensure the long-term sustainability of public debt, while leaving scope for countercyclical fiscal policy?
  • The second session will discuss whether euro and non-euro members can share a vision of the EU.
  • In the third session the discussion will take stock of Europe’s “financial union”. ԹϺ will include a European deposit insurance schemes and other ways to mitigate the damaging links between banks and sovereigns. Will tensions arise from the different geographical scope of banking union and the EU single market?
  • The fourth and final session will explore the idea of setting up a euro-area system of competitiveness authorities. How should these authorities be organised and how they should cooperate?

This is an off-the-record invitation-only event for Bruegel members and selected invitees.

EVENT Materials