Opinion piece
10 July 2019
Brexit banking exodus creates a dilemma for Dublin
Irish consumers’ interests may not coincide with the needs of banks relocating here.
Opinion piece
10 July 2019
Irish consumers’ interests may not coincide with the needs of banks relocating here.
07 November 2018
Robin Niblett, director of Chatham House institute, joins Bruegel deputy director Maria Demertzis for an assessment of what progress can be reasonably
Blog post
05 March 2018
The Labour Party’s support of customs union membership has the potential to change the course of Brexit, with 13 months left to close negotiations. Th
Blog post
21 November 2017
Brexit promises pain for Ireland that could be cut off from the EU internal market and be left exposed to market instability in the UK. Georg Zachmann
Blog post
25 October 2017
The Good Friday agreement put to rest age-old conflicts on Ireland. It also offered hope that the reunification of Cyprus might be possible within the